Friends are wonderful, aren't they? This pictures were taken a while back, while celebrating for a friend's birthday, but I wanted to share them. I am just thankful for these girls.
Me and sweet Tiffany. Tiffany, I love your smile and how you
shine for Jesus. I love how, like in the next picture, you can look
cute in glasses. I love your laugh. I how we laugh at each other's laughs.
You have been such an encouragement to me and I can't wait to
see what God has in store for you next, dearie. |
Tiffany with sweet little Grace. Gracie Dear, you're getting
so big. I love being able to see you grow up. You make
me laugh! |
Me with one of the sweetest young ladies. Ellen,
I love how you're like my little sister. I love how we make
each other laugh. It's been an honor watching you grow. |
Three seriously wonderful girls. Sweet sisters who are alike, yet
so different. Ellen, Katie and Grace, really? You all are
wonderful. I love you girlies so. |
Katie and Tiffany, I am so grateful that God placed you
into my life. Both of you have encouraged me so much and
have made me laugh until I cried. Especially when the two of you are
together. |
Me and my sweet friend Katie. Katie, you light up my life, dearie.
I can't believe we've been friends for six years. Well actually,
I sort of can. It's been an adventure. I love your laugh and your smile.
I love how we can quote movies and books together. I love your heart
for God. So glad He placed you into my life. |
Tiffany and Katie, do you know how much I love our
friendship? I love laughing together and sharing things
from our hearts. I just love talking.Sometimes about
guys and the future, sometimes about politics, and
other times about our awesome Jesus. You girls have
been a huge blessing in my life and I thank God for you. I love you two! |