Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Friends are Family

      These are the faces and personalities that are held in my heart. Some of them I've know since my junior high days, others I've know for a few years, while others for only a year. Three hours separates us, but that doesn't break the bond. They have made me laugh until I cry, they have let me rant about things while they just sit there and simply listen until I'm done, they have accepted me without question, going along with my faults and the silly, funny things that I do. They have supported me and been there for me, they have prayed for me. There is something about being such good friends that when you see each other after two and a half months or more (or two years), nothing changes. You're able to pick up right where you left off. The moments of laughter, bonfires, singing and just discussing things that make your time together so meaningful and memorable.
    There is something about being friends.  
    There is something about being brothers and sisters in Christ.

     I'm so grateful that God chose to put these people in my life. I miss them when I'm away, but I'm so grateful for modern ways of communication. They are like family to me, and when you think about, they really are. There's something about having that bond in Christ. I love them like family.

     I complain about living three hours away. Then I think that I really have nothing to complain about. Yes, it's hard, but God is good. My friends are still there for me, they're still able to make me laugh and to pray for me over the internet, a text message, or a letter. I'm blessed.

    Thank-you, God, for friends.




Thursday, May 29, 2014

It Is Worth It

                                        It's been a while since I've written.

          In my defense, life has been rather crazy lately. You see, I've got a job at a Christian daycare. I must say, I love it very much, but it makes life rather busy at time.

        A lot of things have been changing. Shortly after my family and I moved, we started attending a church and now we're members. It's different from our church in some ways (quite a bit larger, for one thing) and yet it's similar in other ways. I've been making friends and experiencing new adventures.  The people are different, the town is different, the scenery is different.

                                                     Life is changing.

                                  Yet so many things have stayed the same.

                          I've maintained strong friendships back in my old town.

                                  After being with some of them for a weekend,
                                      it seems they haven't changed at all.

                                                      Yet they have.
                                                           I have.

                                  Even during the change, God is still faithful.

                                             How grateful I am for that.
                                                  He never changes.
                                     Even when I can't see what's up ahead,
                                                  He guides me.
                                   He helps me to find my way in the uncertainty.
                                                  When I fall,
                                                He picks me up.
                                                When I question,
                               He takes me by the hand and tells me to trust Him.
                                              I have question and doubted.
                                I have gone through uncertainty time and time again.
                                        Oh, but He is worthy of my patience.
                                                He is worthy of my trust.
                                                 I am going to struggle.
                                                    I'm still learning.
                                                 Despite all of that,
                                                     it is worth it.
                                                 Thank-you, God.

                   Trust Him with your future, my friends. It will be worth it. It is worth it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's the Little Things # 2

         - Making new friends

         - Singing praises to God with 600+ fellow believers

         - The fact that Spring is almost here (just under two weeks!)

          -Trips to Starbucks

         - Being able to walk outside with a light sweater on (no winter jackets... yay!)

         - Facebook messages with pictures from friends who live three hours away


       So it's been a few months since I've blogged. Life has been a little crazy lately, though. I kept telling myself I would find the time to update, and I never did. There have been a lot of changes in my family's life lately, but God never ceases to amaze me. He knows exactly what He is doing. He has our stories written out and is walking ahead of us. At times it's hard to trust Him, but in the end it always works out. I am so grateful that He never changes!

     As of late,
I've been applying for jobs, and keeping myself busy with other things. While all of that's been going on, God has been putting some really awesome people into my life, and I've joined a girl's Bible study. It's been a huge blessing.

    I'll write more about that another day. That's all for now, though. Sorry for the long wait, everyone! Your next wait shouldn't be three months. :)
