Wednesday, December 18, 2013
It's the Little Things #1
A friend told me that sometimes, it's the little things in life that can be the most special, the little things that can mean the most. We should find time to appreciate them. Oh, how true.
- Having friends over to watch movies
- Starting to cry over a sad scene and your friend is trying to make you laugh. "I'm trying to get you to not cry."
- Laughing until you're bending over
- Sitting and watching your church's Christmas program with your friend who's home
from college
-Singing Broadway songs at the top of your lungs in full acting mode
- Christmas music
- Singing a song in Latin with your brother
- Finding time to write
-Getting to see a movie in theaters after eleven months. Way too long, people.
- Pictures with friends
- Finding a cute pair of boots for $10 on Black Friday (yeah, a while ago, but it was
a big deal.)
- Having all of your friends home from college because it's Christmas break
- The knowledge that Christmas is in a week
It's little things like these that can make my day a little better, a little more exciting.
What about you? What are the little things in your week?
Friday, November 8, 2013
That Wonderful Season Called Fall
Leaves adorned in brilliant hues of gold and red. Nights full of brisk air and bonfires.
This is Fall.
This is my season.
One day it happened to sneak up on me and bring disappointment with its warm temperatures. Then October came and I was satisfied. The time came to pull out sweaters, scarves, hats, and yes, sometimes warm jackets. Fall decorations were put out and hot chocolate was made after many months of being ignored. Now it's November. The leaves have seen their peak, and all too quickly started to fall off their branches. I relish this time of year. I relish the sweaters and the scarves, the cool crisp air when I step outside, the excuse to wear comfy hats, to buy lattes. I relish the sound of crunching leaves beneath my feet, and the Fall air. That wonderful smell that is only around for so long. In short, I adore it. While the other seasons have nice things about them,
I don't believe any of them truly compare to this wonderful season.
Don't leave too quickly dear Fall.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Friends are a Blessing
It was early August. Three of my friends were heading off to college in the next couple of weeks and one of them for the very first time. "We should do a photo shoot," I thought, and suggested it. On August 11th, it actually happened. I was so excited! It was a perfect day weather wise for taking pictures. After church I headed home and quickly got ready (thank goodness I had an outfit all picked out!). Just a note that photo credit goes to my friend Brenna (far left).
We had so much fun. We shared so many laughs.
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It was one of the those memory making kind of days that you wish you could do over again.
I'm honestly thankful for cameras. They capture so many great things.
Candid shots in mid-laughter.
Us girls being our silly and crazy but crazy selves.
I must say I love this one. Katie and Tiffany are being funny for the camera and I'm just modeling as I have no clue
what's going on.
I love these smiles.
I love their hearts for the Lord.
I also love how we can be awesomely (probably not a word)
crazy and funny one minute
and cute and serious the next.
I love our friendship.
I love how we've only known Tiff for a little over a two and
a half years, and yet she's like a sister to us.
I love being goofy and weird together.
I love how they "get" me and are there to encourage me, make me laugh or
pray for me.
I love that I've been friends with this girl since junior high.
I love how even though we're separated by distance,
our closeness as friends doesn't change.
I just love these friends of mine. I am so incredibly grateful to God for putting them
into my life.
Friends are such a blessing.
Aren't they?
In Christ,
Monday, September 23, 2013
Perhaps Someday
I have never written a bucket list. I never really felt the need to. My dreams and things I wanted to do and accomplish were stored away in my head, perfectly content to stay there. However, I like to make lists, so I thought "why not?". The things listed here are not all of them mind you. No way. That would take a while to write, and you, a while to read. So... here are some of them.
Speak a foreign language fluently
Travel around Great Britain
Write a novel
Be in a musical
Photograph a senior session
Visit the state where I was born (Texas)
Learn to sew
True, some of them are just little things, and I may not be able to accomplish them....
but, perhaps someday. Maybe.
Do you have a bucket list all written out? What sort of things are on it?
Have a great week!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Of Open Houses and Such
Ah, Summer. The season of pool parties, cookouts, open houses, etc. Mainly open houses. More specifically mine. You never know how many people are going to attend. Well, I was blessed by a very good turn out. It was so great having so many amazing people there to share in that special day of mine! It was also great having so much help getting ready. A huge, huge thanks to my friend Tiff and her mom. Her mom made me two cakes, and Tiff helped with the decorations.
It was such a great time filled with laughter and lots of memories made. Afterwards, me and five other friends went out for frozen yogurt. I was treated to it. After that, we went and walked around a park for fifteen minutes before they closed. No one was around but else, so I felt kind of funny, but we had the guys with us so I know they would protect us. :) It was a good day.
Now, because it's Summer, naturally things didn't slow down after my open house. No. Exactly a week after my open house, one of my very good friends got married. The next day started my church's Vacation Bible School of which I was a part of the skits.
The theme was Medieval, which, let's admit is one of the best themes ever. It was so much fun! I love acting, and performing for 5-12 year-olds is pretty darn fun. Plus, I was with my brother and three friends. My character was rather a Johnny rain cloud. Kind of like Puddleglum, (I do hope you all know who I'm talking about.) I had some funny lines, which made me happy. I like making people laugh.
After Vacation Bible School, I had a few weeks until I had to get ready for a missions trip. I was home for one week after my missions trip when I had to go to Checkpoint Bible Camp. I love that place so, so much and every year gets better.
So yeah, it's been a busy summer. I can't believe it's already August and everyone is going back to school. Sigh.
Did you have an exciting summer?
Well, that's all for now. I'll try and not let it be another month until I post again. :)
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Graduation Day
You all are probably wondering when I was going to write about graduation like I said I would. I mean, it has been a few weeks.
Graduation day was just over a month ago, which I cannot believe. What an amazing and exciting day it was. I had nine other teens graduating by my side, who I consider friends without a doubt, even though I only met the majority of them two months prior.
May I just say how much I love this group?
The ceremony was filled with laughter, tears, a fun slideshow and
some speacial music from the graduates. My friend Tiffany and I sang, I presented a speech, and then Kerry (second from right) Rachel (second from left), and Ben (1st from right) presented piano solos. Let me tell you, all are wonderful pianists! Rachel and Maria (2nd from left) played "Be Thou My Vision" on the guitar and flute and Tiffany sang with her older sister. Our speaker was also fantastic.
You might have already seen this one. Oh well, I felt like posting it again. |
What a blessed day it was! I am so thankful to God for this oppurtunity and for giving me strength to get through the past 12 years of school, and the past few years of highschool. What an awesome God He is!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Graduation: A Sneak Peek
Almost one month ago, I graduated from highschool. One of my dear friends and mentor photographed the ceremony. I thought I would share just a few pictures. I will post more as soon as I get them!
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Me with my parents. I love them! |
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Me and two of my best friends, Katie (left) and Jill. They're amazing! |
Thursday, May 16, 2013
I'm not gone forever. Promise.
So.... I haven't blogged in a while. You may be wondering what's become of me. Well, I've been a bit busy lately. You see, I graduate in two days. Also, I was working on two different assignments for my writing class.
But the assignments have been turned in, and the class is finished. I'm almost done getting ready for my graduation ceremony. Almost.
I'm going to try really hard to return to normal blogging sometime soon. After graduation.
Yes, graduation is on my mind. Quite a bit. I'm just a little excited, you understand.
I won't be gone forever. Promise. Thanks for being patient. :)
In Christ,
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Siblings and Friends
Joel, Jeremy, and me. That is how it has been for many, many years.
Siblings, friends.
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L-R Jeremy, me, Joel |
Oh, but we've had many adventures together. Three states. Six houses.
Sunshine and rain, laughter and tears. We're very good friends, you see.
We've stayed close through it all.
These two boys have been my friends, protectors and defenders.
They have teased me, taught me, made me laugh and have been there for me.
My love from singing I get from Joel.
My love for acting, from Jeremy.
These guys are "my guys". They always will be, don't you know.
We're all adults now, still living in the same town, and yet it's clear
we are continuing to go our seperate ways.
Joel, who has recently moved out of the house, came over for Easter.
The three of us aren't together as often as I would like.
"Guys! We should take some pictures with the youcam."
They didn't want to at first, but I convinced them.
Honestly, I think we're hilarious. Granted, we don't always get along. We get mad at each other and have our arguments. Yet we remain friends. We're siblings and nothing can change that.
I thank God for these two men.
I love you Joel and Jeremy!
Love your siblings, everyone. Really. Don't take them for granted.
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